25a Girder used in construction, the cross section of which resembles the ninth letter of the alphabet? (1-4) 22d Catholic prayer book containing the texts and responses to celebrate Mass all year?...
43a English poet and novelist who was the model for Virginia Woolf's Orlando (9.4) _A_K_I_L_W_S_, 5d Frederick Forsyth thriller set in Russia (4 letters) -C_N, 34d Sir Titus ----(4 letters) S_L_...
can anyone help me? 2 down a table top game which I thought was subbueto 8 letters -u-b---o then if this is correct 15 across 5 letters -v-t- i have evita
6d - Any help please - Classical name of the egyptian god Amen identified with zeus - ?m?o? 19d - A physical quantity used to represent another quantity (american spelling) - ?n?l?g I don't even...
19 ac A type of ornamental building without practical purpose, typically built to enhance parkland _O_L_ 53 ac Archaic word meaning to write or compose a literary work I_D_T_ 56 ac Classical Greek...