I can only seem to find one web site for Jamacian cooking,can anybody offer any help.Also what are escallions? Are they onions and can grey (pigeon) peas be used instead of gungo peas? Thanks
Are the people who regularily contribute answers to the questions on this site genuinely highly intelligent or just a bunch of work shy, cut and paste happy wasters?
Years ago I heard a poem, read on this occasion by a man, where he was baking a cake with whiskey but kept having a little drink as he added the ingredients and by the end of the poem he was too drunk...
I was told that when George Orwell was researching for the book 'Animal Farm', he read a lot of articles from US newspapers that was deemed 'anti-communist propaganda' What was the reasons George...
Can anybody think of some really witty names for coctail's to commerate the Queen's Golden Jubilee? Had a couple before, but need more! For a west-end bar...help people!