I'm a bit late but would appreciate some help with the last three. Across: 6. Learner dismissed by pottery expert (4) ?e?t, 10. Riddle about pie filling? It's mostly meat (9) p???e?o?i. Looks like...
Across: 11. keeping party happy playing nose games (2-7) o?-m???a??, 13. Mike, not Jack, starts to make complaint (5) ??m?? Down: 6. Part where he begins umpteenth recap (2,3) i?,???, 9. enjoy looking...
Across: 19. Ruby's defied over vacuous remark (4,3) d???, r??, 25. found less old scrap on the tip, by the way (9) e?t???i?? Down: 6. take back racket, briefly challenge people serving first (9)...
Across: 18. it identifies crunchy stuff picked up, more frozen (6,6) ?e?i?l, ?u???r, 24. removing cape to ride, one joins regular four at the front (8) a???r?o?, 25. cowboy's work, installing gold...
Last few. Across: 9. Pluck string chap wants to hear (9) g?l?a?t?y (gallantry?), 27. women notice group rejected measure (5) t???e Down: 23. Declare girl's going to get cat (5) o???e Completely...
Across:5. Player Bill's worry - missing header (7), 9. pluck string chap wants to hear (9)s???a?t?? 12. nearly calm, get on with cultivation (7), Down: 5. One group takes year to get so far (5), 2. It...
Last few. Across: 5. sure to recall entering intimate study (7) ??r???l, 13. 'most outstanding' fellows are useless (4) ?u??, 18. good to stop leak on the surface (4-4) ?k??, ?e?p (skin deep?), 22....
last few. Across: 12. assessing height with ruler to check companion's backpack (12)?e???m?r?i?g Is this benchmarking? 18. the same girl reflected too much (5) d?t?o ditto? but why? Down: 1. Call from...