Still hoping for an answer to my last questions. 24d. weeds covering hole detective's found (5) ??i??, 25d. crew scoffed when told (5) ??g?? 21d. least busy line, that is the case (6)??????...
Across: 12. strikes over grand cause (5) s?a?k - smack?, 24. changing tap in 13ac., one has a spike (5) c???? 13ac. is hello Down: 19.hold screen up to stop insect (7) b???e?n, 25. once twenty, not...
LAST 2. Across: 26. Single heard in advance (4) y?a?. Must be year but why?
Down: 20. Bug beginning to move, taking left turn above board (6) ?a?f?y. Looks like mayfly but why?...
The small ones have got me stumped. Across: 24. clears nine-tenths - unoccupied (4) n?t?, 26. dropping pop release one's played (4) r?l? Down: 1. cream's still grand (4) ??c?, 2. type of item found in...
Last three. Down: 1. When figure's beginning to drop (4) 0?c? Is this once? 25. Charge is legible and vocabulary clear. (4)?e?? Across: Showing place where needle goes into blood vessel (3,7) ?r?,...
Across: 32. concerning decline's set back weaver(6) s?i?e?, 5. boat's flag bearing King Boz (7) t?i?e?e - trireme? Boz is the compiler. Down: 24. Gains control of original records (7) m?s?e?s -...
Across: 1. half-heartedly coaches an ecclesiastical guy going across mountains (11)t???s???e?n, 14. Fix innards of simple article with time (7) i???a?t Is this implant? 20. posh guy possesses Spanish...
Across: 1. build up to present - chain for one's sweetheart in that case (10), s???n?????, 10. press 'clear' - delete page (4)?r?e (free?) 26. extremely tricky on submarine close to depth charge (4)...
Across: (43) Clean inside second vehicle with daughter being one to open doors (5,4)s???e, ?a?d, 64. Jump over to follow Jack (5) s?l?o. Looks like salvo, but why? Down. 34. Bank's popular cashpoint,...
Last 2. 4d. A man with talent gains new followers and admirers,perhaps (5,5) a?e?t, ?o?n?. Looks like it should be agent but maybe not. 58d. Comparatively easy chapter Boz penned in guide (7) c?s?i?r...
67a. A cheek puffed up swallowing round biscuit (3-4) h?e-?a?e. Looks like hee-cake but is there such a thing? 98a. sure that's how it's spelt - see a recipe (6) s?c? a?. I have succah but don't know...
22a. Lifted back on chair by one's nurse (5) ??s?n, 29a. In same case, formed a union - national (5) ??e?e 12d. Expert will give it lick to taste (6,5) ?a?t??, ?l???