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3d. Level with a Msician who has lost the head (5) L???? 28a. Changed the tape. Add mix (7) A?????? 32d. Making the centre be familiar (4)...
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1a. One begging for scalp input surgery (10) 6a. Object in play to seeing a rugby player (4) 21a. Note the woeful confusionthis Heaney translation resulted in (7) 23a. Part of the door thats part of...
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3a. Leading character cooked in aroasting pot (11) 10a. Edifice for one with pull (5) 1d.Find another Chile Nut Job? Your not the only one (4, 3 , 4) 5d. It may become moist if one leaves it out (5)...
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5d. In France, i have a short answer for Denims (5) 13d. Goods or Sofa transported? That's satisfactory, for now, (2,3,2,4) 18d. A Royal house has words, in breaking up (7) 22d. Number the GI...
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17d. Stop fife moving away from the skiers (3-5) 4d. thats not much to pay for a pantomime character (7) Thanks All...
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9a. reserve a trout (cooked) for whats valuable but hidden (8,5) 20a. regretting that there is an old building in front of the German capital (5) 26a. manufactured in bespoke fashion- is an officer so...
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20a. Arrangement of the sails and other rigging on a sailing vessel (3) s?t
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Role Katherine Zappone was to take up (5) ?n?o? Thanks All....
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4a. Close fitting hat, no brim (5) ??q?? 18d. Chasing/following (7) ??r???? 26a. Make belief (6) ?????l 4d. A forceful push (6) ?????t 9a. Commotion (6) ?????r 17a. Corresponding words at the end of...
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1a. Furniture woos, US combat medal (6,5) ?u???e ????? 10a. Amazonian palm fruit (5,4) I?a?? ?u?? 15d. A strait laced individual in the US (8) B??????? Thanks all...
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Alarmed (6) A?e?i?
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117d. How tasty it is to see one supporter. (4) ?l?n Thanks All and a Happy New Year....
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50a. Livomo's so bucolic! In it you will find Classic cuisine. (4,4) Thanks...
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11a. Its a cursory essay at personal hygiene. Confused? Ask a cardiac simpleton. (1,4,4,3,1,7) A ?a? ?i?k ??? a ?r?m??e Write leases, shall we? (4) L??? Thanks all....
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26a. Remote control flyers (6) S?o?e? 27a. Old german flying craft (8) ?e???l?? 22d. Advertising aircraft (5) ??I?? Thanks....
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11a. High flyer ( 3-3 7) 16a. Batches of freshly made Butter (9) 17a. Lamed, made powerless (9) 7d. Belittled (3 4) 8d. Something one is good at (6 4) 12d. The acquisitive middle classes (11) 13d....
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3a. One would expect someone this pretentious to smell sweetly (6 5) ???f?? N???d 16a. Being somewhat absent, I am the making of this French Town (7) 8a. How one begat a convenient source of a cuppa...
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22a. Injured (8) ??r?e?e 19d. Elan (4) ?a?? Thanks....
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37a. Murder a wharf one hears, here in Clare (6) ?i???e Thanks All....
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13d. George initially travelled to part of Wales. (5) G?e?t Thanks...

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