4 down - reddish aura often seen on mountaintops at sunrise and sunset 9letters A*P*N***W 21 down - in chemistry, produces a substance in a pure state. 8letters *S*L*T*S 1 down - an acute condition of...
21 down - dorset town twinned with segre brittany 8letters *E*N*O** 33 - across german oainters who tried to restore the quality of religious art 9letters **S*R*N*S
27 across Composer of the ballet music, The masque of red death *C*E*E*N*I 28 down A type of drum from east africa I*O*A 29 down A small but very troublesome amazonian biting fly *I*M
2 down - The nutritive or vegetative part of a cell 11letters T*O***P*A*M 3down - Japanese self-defence systems invoving blows from hands and feet 7letters A*K***S 22down - contagious bacterial skin...
42across - Decree beforehand 9letters P*E*R*a*N 23down - the time of a child's youth where they are deemed capable of discerning right from wrong 3-2-6letters *G* O* R***O* Is it age of Reason, if so...
41across - ornate, often jewelled, v-shaped panel worn over the chest and abdomen until the 19th century 9letters S*O*A*H*R 44 across - The sudden onset of a spasm or other medical condition 7letters...
3down - The alimentary canal of higher animals 7letters E*T***N 21down - Advocate of a particular way of thinking 9letters I*E*L*G*E 6down - Constituent of blood serum making bacteria more vulnerable...
13 a In Botany and Zoology, uniformly coloured without spots or other markings IM_A_U_A_E 23 a A bright, white spot seen near the horizon of a breaking thick mist F////G