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Practical joke in horse race at Epsom say (4) ?O?X I suspect it is hoax, but why?...
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If when taking a free drop the ball strikes your golf club ( used to measure the required distance) do you incur a penalty or have a free redrop?...
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15a. Charles's court painter's outside working by himself. L-N-L- Is it Lonely? If so please explain....
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Totally flummoxed by the answer "SYCAMORE" to this clue: U.S. store returned deposit in plane to Scotland. Please enlighten me....
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1d. Gather to fight in confectionery store in Harrow? T-c- B-x (Tuck Box?) Please explain clue. 10d. No numeral etc. spoiled list of names. = Nomenclators. Thought it would be anagram of No numeral...
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Like ET movie potentially (7) E?O?I?E I can see "emotive" as an anagram of ET movie, but why, if indeed this is right?...
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18a. Quality possessed as someone twice stated. I have Dual Citizenship but don't understand the reference to "Quality possessed" Please explain....
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20a Cut flower about to turn pink L-L-C Is it Lilac ? If so why ?
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4d Soldier, one earning leader's deep mistrust. ?A?A?O?A I know it's been answered as paranoia but why not the alternative paranoea? Can anyone explain please? Thanks...
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Please can someone explain Answer to following clue. Where guys are tense and obviously effeminate = Camp (Guys are tense?)
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10a Appearance in outdoor scene e-t-r-o- Is it exterior? If so I don't fully understand clue.
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Finished today's but am still puzzled about 2 clues in yesterday's. 18a. Swimmer whose bottom's nipped by young oysters = Sprat ? ( I know spat is a young oyster and a sprat is a small fish. i.e....
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My daughter has moved to a house where a very large Magnolia tree is obstructing light from bedroom window. Can it be pruned down by at least 4 feet without damaging it?
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Last two. 23d. Obsequious but socially exceptional. O-L- ( Is it Oily? If so why socially exceptional?) 25d. Released and no longer stuck in bed, as they say in the navy. A-A- ( Away? if so why...
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Think I've got correct answers but don't fully understand clues. Please help. 16a. In fact these are exercised for fruit machine = Humeri 28a. Current in phone making 2 (Anemometer) spin faster =...
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Three clues I don't get today. Please enlighten me. 11a. Ego swollen, born to lead and very fond of drink = Bibulous (Where does swollen ego figure?) 26a. Top dancer confirms her position after...
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Please explain clue to 26d. Slow down, missing out Kelvin Hill in Edinburgh = Brae
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Can't get last three. Help please. 8a. Clique or ring organised at publishing house. 2-5 I- G-O-P. 16a. Action man film about women. -A-Y-R. 28a. Girl bathed in old English scent. O-O-I-E....
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17a] French bed lost appeal. [3[ must be 'lit' but I don't understand the wordplay!]
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Last one. 11a. Talk about wife's area of authority. S-A- ( All I can come up with is Swag?)

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