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Just need these two to finish this quiz all answers are things you would find on a farm. 45, Standard stone and narrow perhaps (5) this has been answered as gauge but i have never heard of a stone...
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3. National, View & Section. 6. Out, Dance & Step. 15. Tune, Sale & Cast. 28. Ball, Over & Out. Any help much appreciated, Thank you....
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My cat keeps coming home with big chunks of sponge cake that he sits in the garden and eats - no idea where he's getting it from. Whilst I don't suppose it's good for him will it actually harm him?
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Are you the same JJ that used to give such clever answers on Yahoo Answers?. (Olga)
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wilt 5 letters
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Amateur offensively hiding money e-r-. Musical game c-e--. employers nasty ruse, ---r...
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A young woman on one of the teams has a white disc attached to her upper arm. Any ideas as to what it's for. It's slightly raised - not a plaster...
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Maisie Doats
Really struggling with this years dingbats. 4. Capital letters EGNC. 8. The word NOSE with a degree symbol after the letter O. 9. The word MANOEUVR (without last E) written in tall capitals. 21. Four...
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4d discuss theresa’s chief absent government representative. (6) ?O?S?L I think this might be Consul, but need to know why- any ideas pleas...
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10. Like 'dumb and dumber' Even less bright (8) ?t???d?r 3. Head post, CEO (3,3) T?p ??b 12. Several well armed deep sea inhabitants (6)?c??pi I think 12 is scampi, then the second word of 3 is ?mb....
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Hi all, i was wondering what’s the weather like in madrid-granada-toledo and cordoba now or in 2 weeks.. will b visiting spain for 4 days and i’d like to know whether to pack light or heavy.. do i...
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if your work shuts its site, and you can't work even if you could get there, do they pay you still?
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Pilot forced to make emergency landing after passenger’s smelly farts causes fight The gassy passenger reportedly refused to stop farting (CEN) A pilot was forced to make an emergency landing after...
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are they comfy? Difficult to go to the loo (women)?
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Are there any retro foods you miss or loathe, what about food/ drink items from your childhood?
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I am having my bathroom completely refurbished this year. I have wanted a whirlpool bath for a very long time but I have read so many critical reviews. What do users of Answerbank think of them?
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19a Sudden unwelcome news from the sky (11) 14a Foks outside aspect of underwear (1 6)...
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any help pleases stuck on last few no1age cod or bream perhaps no2 a seasonal rear end no3 double twisted set for this1 no letters given but all are insects or bugs thanks tiffy...

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