Help please. I seem to have a mental blockage this morning. 7 down Subsistence ---- I think it could be "wage" 21 down. Bend bar round ring. 5 letters. I just have the starting letter...
16a] Mother's addicted to fruit. [6] ?A???N.
27a] Pay mines back before closure. [7] S?I????.
23d] Devoted bishop choked by tobacco. [6] ?E???D.
26d] Some of the best garden plants. [4] ???E....
Craig's after fine iron - it's foolproof. [4,4] [1a] 9a] Sir Thomas has suit altered - its wet. [8] 4d] Supply vessel to catch fish? On the contrary. [7] ????I?H. 14d] Half of July and half of next...