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what are the main differences between an MP3 player & a MINI DISC PLAYER?
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my husbands name is on our mortgage, does that mean i have no rights to the house?
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Income tax, corporation tax, National Insurance, VAT, Excise Duties, Levies, Council Tax. They are all ways for the Government (local and national) to raise the money it needs. If they could all be...
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I know this may seem a bit thick so please don't laugh but could anyone tell me a quick easy way to work out nett salary monthly from a gross annual figure????
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Is there anybody here who thinks inheritance tax if fair. If you think inheritance tax is fair could you write a short justification of it please.
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Thawk 123
I need to write a report on a song which teaches good morals and encourages betterment. Any ideas?
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Can an executor benefit from a will please?
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I know recently the US Dollar has slipped, but I always used to wonder why in the previous years the pound was always stronger than the dollar. It doesn't make sense when the US is much more wealthy...
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What is the most effective way of making a protest when paying by cheque? Does anyone have any good examples? And are there any legal implications of paying 'imaginatively'? All thoughts appreciated!
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The understanding of the human brain may be some of the literati's reasoning for basing an agist attitude towards artists. Being over the hill could be changed if the right drugs were ingested; ie...
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michael mc c
what song was re-released the most by various artists
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andy hughes
Since the theft of this paitning has brought 'The Scream' to the forefront of the news again, does anyone else see the painting in the same way I see it - the figure in the foreground is not issuing...

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