Just one left I can't get, I know it's going to be simple when I see it, any help appreciated.
22ac Protective cover in operation after merger of companies. (6) ?O?O?N....
Two left I'm stuck on, any help appreciated.
28ac Man in charge of section of the body. (8) C?R???A?.
22dn Bottle child found under vehicle. (6) C?R???....
I seem to have gone wrong somewhere, can anyone help please. 48d Woman's close-fitting undergarment. (6) I put TEDDIE, but that must be wrong, as 52ac Sudden outbreak of infectious disease (8) is...
Just one left in this cryptic, any help appreciated.
24ac Article after article with added mass - letter-sorter can handle it. 7L A?A?R?M. I think it's ANAGRAM but can't see why....
I have two left which I have answers for but don't understand the cryptic part of the clue, any help appreciated. 21ac Forward movement of toboggan with gas aboard. 3L I have LUNGE, but toboggan is a...
Could someone parse my last answer please. 3dn We prosper with engineering drawing in university in dominant country. 10L ?U?E?P?W?R. I have superpower as the answer, I think it's we prosper with the...
Hi, it's me again, sorry to be a pest but I have one left in this cryptic any help appreciated.
16dn Find image distorted and enlarged. 9L ?A?N?F?E?...
I'm stuck on four this week, any help appreciated. 11ac Asian PM once faceless. 7L I?R???I. 15ac It's an advantage for every king. 4L ???K 26ac Somebody with communist views made over. 6L R?D?N 6dn...
Just one left I would like conformation on please.
8dn Aquatic organisms in great quantity beneath part of wooden keel. 8L ?L?N?T?N. Is it PLANKTON?...
Last one any help appreciated.
13dn Bad-tempered person in vote plot. 10L ?R?S?P?T?H. Is it grass patch? But I can't parse it, where does vote come into it?...