Washing machine packe-up and replaced a couple of weeks ago. Tumble drier making ominous graunching noises this morning and declared terminal by Mrs McM. What's next I wonder?
Today Mic has driven me round the bend, I'm worn out mentally. At about 5.30 I told him I needed to go to the shop to buy bread and not to call me as I wouldn't hear him. I poured myself a B&C, picked...
Had a lovely afternoon doing a village quiz walk yesterday and...my friend and I were joint winners.....which pleased me no end.....not just because we won but....... One of the early clues was...
I have above and was wondering could I have my ISA account on it as then I can transfer what I can afford when I want. If I can - I know we have been through this before - is the money better in 123...
I know it's a nice day but I really really want the little girl who is screeching in a garden near me to go inside to play I'm trying to have a hangover in peace and quite!! Hehehe...
I actually took the photo yesterday but I am on the job hunt once again and using this photo to submit along w/my resume!!...
Forgive me for entering a Home post here but I know this gets more viewers in the morning. Have just got up and cleaned my teeth with a mixture of cold and hot water. Came downstairs to kitchen and...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-29294620 Just found this today. What I find amazing is that all the passers-by just stood and watched while this horrible woman committed this serious...
Charlie aka Derek Thompson - I would say the very last member of the old Casualty - can anybody explain to me why he is still there. Can't act - as stiff as a poker - looks awry - looks all over the...
burning house.? I am sure she took him home becasue he wouldnt settle but nothing has been said.? Or has it and I missed it. Oh in eastenders that is. lol...
Some of the numbers are stuck on my home phone - you know the big old fashioned one - not mobile. I think I may have dropped some water in between the numbers. Anyway I can clean them. Thanks
Hello. A few weeks ago i was getting strange pains and generally decided something was up, i took 3 tests and all came back positive but very faintly. I decided be ause of the pains to go to my walk...
Am sitting on this computer by the OPEN window - my God - 3 little boys 4, 5, and 6 - the screams of them playing is doing my lid in.
I have broached before on this subject but would like your views. I am with Tesco and the monthly amount has jumped from £20 to £43 - I have paid insurance for 11 years for Mr Harv but am wondering...
Where can you decide to look for a long lost relative, go online, put a name in send a message get an instant reply meet an unknown relative and find out you may have a deadly heart disease all in 2...