Can't believe it, stuck on three! 11d Type of bid in bridge made deliberately to deceive opponents (7) ?S?C?I? 23d Bunker on a golf course; or a device for hurling clay pigeons (4) T??? 28a System...
A bit late, but stuck on two. 23a Citron ------ version of lemonade served in French cafes. (6) ?R?S?E. 50d Group or set of nine things (6) ?N?E?D. Thanks in advance for any help.
It's me again, only cryptic this time. 4a Fail to notice gallery, say, in error (8) ?I???A?E. 6d Workers going after queen - part of class war, maybe. (5) ??A?M Thanks in advance for any help.
Can someone please explain 7down. Wear the writer out, crossing river in ancient vessel. (7) The answer must be TRIREME, but why? Thanks in advance for any help.
I know it's late but I want to finish it. 22d Old answer covering new business items. (6) A?E??? 28a Lots of fish caught for men on board. (8) D???G?G?. Thanks in advance for any help.
Stuck on one! 29a Rugby tournament in which the winners are presented the trophy named after William Webb Ellis (5,3) ?O?L?,C?P. Thanks in advance for any help.
Stuck on three. 2d Written decree of the sultan of turkey. (5) I?A?E. 18d Wedge shaped indentation of the sea forming a drowned valley. (3) ??A. 17a Recluse especially one from religious motives. (7)...
Stuck on two, help, please. 6a Charge Liverpool footballer once. (4) ?U?? 8d Beat principle marine predator. (10) ??M?E?H?A? Thanks in advance for any help.