help please and parsing 1a cook's joke about endless change of course,what diner's sent home with 8 doggy bag? 16d hair in a tangle once?almost otherwise when congregation's involved 8 12d WILL'S FACE... It appears the US does not consider the safety of our shipping to be any of their concern; our ship was seized in response to UK capturing an Iranian vessel....
stuck on part of answer Clue complete food traceability is for Mr to mark off strangely enough 4,4,2,4 F?o?, F?r?, T? < ?o?k from farm to ?????? any hellp gratefully received míle buíochas...
An acquaintance has a daughter who has two children from two different fathers, neither of whom are now with the family. Both children are badly behaved, the elder having been suspended from school...
Have the most beautiful neighbours - two in particular - a married couple who would do anything for me. Unfortunately their (in my opinion) first two children are spoilt unbelievable. I love the third...
Why do vegans and vegetarians want to eat veggies prepared in a way that resembles meat? In every supermarket there are veggie and vegan sausages, burgers, pies, something resembling chicken poppers... What proof do we have that these Asylum seekers are telling the truth /// Between 2015 and...
AOC is a radical socialist who has even Said her leader Nancy Pelosi has targeted her and the other freshmen women of colour because she is racist. The radical left is eating itself from the inside...
13a. Cable to stop short: 'Henry, I ...' and Eliza's disturbed issue in bits (12) I have HALTERIA.IZE and assume the missing letter is L, but why? It starts with an anagram of HAL and ends with an... Should this team of losers now be banned from international football?...
'Sadiq Khan’s latest attempt to try to ingratiate himself with the increasingly disruptive eco-loony movement is to announce that he’ll be closing 20 kilometres of roads across London for an...