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watched the smoking room on bbc2 the other night and missed the ending when, throughout the programme, they were trying to guess the theme tune, but ended up getting the tune to the waltons.
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Why has Mutu only got 7 months when Rio got 8 and he didn't even take any drugs?
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Who started the campaign for bouncebackability to be added to the dictionary?
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Why do some footballers have their first and last names on their shirts?
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2nd row
 big garden pond, 30 odd goldfish, all different sizes /ages, but  ' no babies ' as of yet !!! do you tell the difference between  'male an' female  goldfish ? at what age...
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Further to the question further down on peoples favourite answerbankers, i was wondering what the age range is on this sight? Who is the oldest answerbanker, who is the youngest, do older people give...
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what are the only two mammals that get suburned
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the audioelf
what are JELLY BABIES ?
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..after taking part in God v Atheist and Monarchy v Republicans debates today I've decided to ask the biggy.. Who likes Marmite?    
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Dame Babs
Does anybody know what the name of a tv comedy shown here on ITV in the early 90's?  It was a sort of spoof of The Simpsons/The Flintstones,  but the characters were all dinosaurs!  It...
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Dark Angel
Someone was talking about their hates - what are your likes, everybody? And I don't mean great important things like children, families, religion. Just little things that Julie Andrews sang about in...
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how much pain should you expect from toddler teething? My 18 month boy woke screaming in the night from what appeared to be teething pain.
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I have got seasons tickets at portsmouth fc. Perhaps we didnt out play man united but we won at home 2-0 gainst them. Dont u think pompey get very little credit, im always watching football programmes...
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I ciaght up with Spooks lastnight. In the preamble there was emntion of the 'Tom problem', and a new character is the hero.   What happened to Tom? Did the actor who was playing him get tired of...
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What is your favourite chocolate bar and why?
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What is the most overrated characteristic or trait and why? 
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Why do so many people ask the "tasty tasty, very" question when simply typing this phrase into Google. MSN, Yahoo or AllTheWeb will return the answer about 7 times in the top 10.  Let alone the...
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What's the funniest, genuine name you've ever heard? We have a business card on the notice board in our office belonging to Randy Horn!
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has vernon and tess had there baby yet if so what was it thanks
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i am wondering what is evryones kind of cereal everyone likes?? i got to admin that i like Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes! how about u????

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