Good morning everyone - Summer's having another blast at us this weekend, hot humid windy and maybe thunderstorms !! what I wouldn't give for a nice frosty nippy morning ... grr Four to keep us on our...
Good morning everyone - another month galloping by, and hopefully the last of our really hot weather, we're not enjoying this batch at all as the humidity is high, but no rain, just thunderstorms that...
Good morning everyone - early start again, busy day ahead, well afternoon really, and we're off out to lunch first so getting the important things out of the way !! Will we have another cascade of...
Good morning everyone - and what a morning !! I'm totally inundated with points, utterly awash in fact, just a few shy of 200 and I think that's the best we've ever had. What a way to start the new...
Good morning everyone - it's silly o'clock here and I'm getting an early start, lots to do when the weather's kind and I'll make the most of it before the heat comes back, that should be about Tuesday...
Good morning everyone - lovely mild weather for us for the time being, long weekend too, while we all celebrate Australia Day - prawns on barbies all over the place !! Lots and lots of possibles with...
Good morning everyone - as you struggle out from under the blankets [ of snow] I'm waiting for the next round of ridiculous heat ... so far not on the horizon ... roll on Spring and Autumn This...
17a reportedly see branch go up (5) c???? 10d paintings on site used by entertainer (7) ?r???t? 18d shares trader is deeper in debt (6) ??o???. Am struggling any help will be great thanks
Good morning everyone - an early start I know, but I'm making the most of a couple of cool days to get some chores done before the next blast of heat comes our way ... and believe me, there's one on...