10 Across Make a Sudden Advance ( 5 & 7 ) ?R??? T???U?H 14 Across Sailing vessel with two square rigged masts ( 4 ) ?R?? 2 Down Italian artist who was the most famous in Rome in the early 17th...
struggling with a couple. Disregard pop's all purpose charm. (6 letters) a??u?e fool badly needs to concentrate (8letters) c???e??e,antique found with school hat (3 letters) o??. Any help appreciated...
power producers are concerned with cast (8 letters) r?a?w??? part of extremely familiar combat (8 letters) ?r???i?n they leave an impression on SeaWorld stars (s?a?s) fall behind with a loud cry of...
french priest and saint vincent ...whose good works inspired the founding of a charitable society (2 4) i have d? p?u? A bit of help would be appreciated thanks in anticipation
50d monetary units of various countries also a quarter of luxembourg city c?n?s
46d a district of a town in spain or a spanish-speaking country ?a?r?o...
133d bullring ..... del toro. (5 letters) p?a?a is it plaza maybe 102 d insinuating (5 letters) s?i?e could that be snide and finally news agency ( 3 letters) i have aa?. any help appreciated thanks
8d not a pirate in novel (9 letters) o?i?i???. 15d it's wrong to be disloyal (6 letters) ?n???e and lastly 22a decree via radio, mishandled by head of nation (6 letters) ?????n I have never been this...