14 Down Former central admin dept. of Soviet Security service 5 letters .- U- - G.11Across cried,sobbed or whined softly.9 letters.W- I- - E- ED.Thanks.
6d Abreviation for metoerological phenomena? I have "weather ?o?a?i?n". 25a Chinese decapod crustacean? - ? crab? 23a Short tailed ground squirrel? Any help greatly apprecited. Thanks.
would appreciate a bit of help.58d it can shock an extrovert (8letters) i have ?i?e???e 72a dismiss gem's brilliance (4 letters) ???e am usually quite good on these must be the snow affecting the old...
Struggling with this tonight, could be the excess turkey!!!! Sorry.... 6d An important copper ore mineral, coloured dark gryish-black with a metallic lustre C?A???C?T? 15a A type of sir-dropped...