can anyone please help i've solved 47 television dingbats ,please can anyone help with my last one ,i know it has been asked several times ,but maybe someone can help, it's just one word SHYODEN...
need help please ,answers are either animals,birds ,fish or insects no. 53 spotted her [6] no.54 only the second half of a chocolate bar [7] no.55 Oscars animal [10] no. 58 a wrench [6] no.59...
i've searched and searched but can't find this last answer ,can anyone out there please help WHERE DID ROBERT CARRIER BUY HIS MEAT ,ACCORDING TO THE COMMERCIAL ? i can't find any reference to it but...
i'm desperate for help to finish this quiz ,i've searched for hours for this last answer ,it is a film title with a number in the answer ,the letters are T.M.D.D.thankyou for any help !!!
i've just 2 dingbats left ,i'd be really grateful for any help no.11 an empty speech bubble with the word OBSERVER written underneath no. 27 just the word SHYODEN ,thanks for any help . all the...
could anyone please help with three dingbats, answers are television programmes no. 1 erstheers ,,no2 SHYODEN,, no.3 a speech bubble with the words [... and in July i made some tarts ] i have been...
i've just three left in this quiz which i am finding difficult to solve ,so any help would be much appreciated no.6 sounds like a metal orifice in devon [10] ,no.10 expensive piece of wood for clothes...
help needed please ,just a few left in this quiz,no.4 The monarchs motoring organisation with nothing added on [6] no. 10 Polish Rene's greeting [7] no.13 Crucial urine [4] no. 22 A royal one is made...
Morning everyone ,can anyone please help with my final three in this quiz no.27 going south ,not a road,lane or avenue [previous answer Honiton,following answer,Kingsbridge] no.25 are you at home on...
a bit of help needed please no. 8 a rocket engines exhaust no. 16 little martyr conceals his shady side no.17 second class reptile swallows 26 .[the answer to no.26 is frost] no. 22 the force...
could anyone please help me with a few answers no. 1 where did Robert Carrier buy his meat ,according to the commercial ? no.2 in what film did Robert Redford return from lunch to find his colleague...
could anyone please help with my last two ,all answers contain a colour, no.33 BBLL ,no.42 TBSOTF , can be sayings,rhymes,films,T.V. or books ,thanks for any help .
could anyone help with the following please no.1 which country has been dubbed "the hermit of the atlantic " no. 2 in which season does a hienal actually take place ? no. 3 what engineering...
help needed please ,all answers are places in britain no. 6 travel through the village of tall tales [it's between annfield plain and darlington ] no.18 veal calves know this port well [it's between...
all answers in this quiz are songs,rhymes,films, books or t.v. programmes ,and contain a colour, any help will be appreciated no. 12 T.L.H.M. no. F.Q.O.T.O. no.19 O.F.T.F.R.F.B.F. no.33 B.B.L.L. no.37...
help needed please , all answers are types of headwear no.2 scarlet army fame [7] no. 19 zulu fame [4.6] no.23 light the way [6.6] no.27 as a last resort [7.5.] no.31 anyone for tennis ? [9] no.36...
can anyone help with my last few in this quiz please all answers are songs that contain a place in the u.k. no.5 N.R, [7.8.] no.20 B.M.O.A. [] no.27 T.L.O.L.[] no.33 R.A.C.H.T.B.C....
can anyone help with some of these please ,all answers are songs with a place in the u.k. in it no.5 N.R.[7,8] no.7 S.T.B. [8.3.5.] no.14 L.O.B. [7.2.8.] no. 15 D.G.D. [5.8.5.] no. 16 T.L.O.R.H.[...
can anyone help with my final two in this quiz please fictional characters from books ,films,songs or t.v. no. 16 timid person without colour [5.6.] no.38 short month turns me lighter [4.6.] grateful...
heip needed please no.6 short firearm [7] no. 21 last service of the day [8] no.32 of gloomy temperament [9] no.36 free thinker [9] thanks for any help