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can anyone please help with my final two in this local charity quiz no.1 Not a leman no.2 a broken figure [no amount of letters given]thanks for any suggestions .
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no.1not a leman no.2 located in Norfolk a kind of bag no.3 a means of persuasion no.4 a broken figure no.5 a white strawberry that tastes like pineapple [no amount of letters given]any help please ?
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help needed please no.42 oforiental origin[5] no. 43 unremarkable river crossing [9] no.49 a famous seaside place noted for fresh air and sun [9] no. 50 possess insect [6] no.51 mostly oxygen and...
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any help please no. 16 timid person without colour [5.6] no.25 P.C.'s handle with zero [5.6.] no.34 spy follows a broken sewer [6.4.]no.38 short month turns me lighter [4.6] no.39 james bird has short...
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still asking for help please in this quiz no. 13 mr. fords finest [8] no. 23 small mammals put in ground [10] no. 27 succeed in Georgia ? no the reverse [5] no. 28 hit hard [4] no. 34 kept going we...
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any help with these will be greatly appreciated no. 2 the spanish sundowner [5]no.7 searching for a professor [10] no. 10 clever one out east [8] no.13 mr. fords finest [8] no. 16 cannibalism in the...
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please can you help ,i have posted these before but i am having one more try no.35 could fill a lot of sea space [8] no.68 goes up and to get the gear 'e sails on -right or wrong ? [] no.74...
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could anyone please help me with no.6,L and no.1,L thanks for any help
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i'm not doing too well in this quiz so any help will be appreciated no.7 entertain[4,3,4.] no. 17 italian "champagne " erupts [4,8] no.18 a liqueur'd measure of whisky [8] no. 25 drink up...
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please can anyone help with my last two in this quiz ,all answers relate to christmas no.8 Mediterranean boys sob mixing drink [7,9] no.14 cut them down [6] thanks for any help
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i've still a few left to do in this quiz my new years resolution must be to try a bit harder ,but in the meantime could you please help me ,no.35 could fill a lot of sea space [8] ,no. 56 am i nuts to...
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i still have several left to do in this quiz ,so please can anyone help no. 12 no doubt popeye ate plenty of these ![7] no.19 queue here for trainers _ but don't get your feet wet [8.4] no. 25 let...
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could anyone please help me with the following no. 82 amazing little fish [5] no.87 top accomodation ?thats right [9] no. 90 sailors swap focal vision in this area [5.4] no.97 if you are in these you...
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help needed please with my final one in this quiz What do you dig up with a Spalding Spade ? no amount of letters given . thanks for any help .
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any help will be appreciated ,all questions or answers have a nautical theme no.57 what was the name of the worlds first aircraft carrier ? on google it comes up with different answers so i will be...
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i'm struggling with this quiz so maybe you clever people out there can help me please ,no.12 no doubt popeye ate plenty of these [7] , no. 14 would this be for dessert in a seafood restaurant [5,4] ,...
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can anyone please help me with no.1 K.and L and also no.6 E.J.L.Q.R.and S and also no.8 F thanks in advance for any help
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could anyone please help me with a few clues no.1 it sounds like the atmosphere on the pirate ship was rather crude [7]letters ,no.4 an old sea dog -poetically speaking [3.7.7.]letters no.12 no doubt...
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could anyone please help me finish this quiz ,only one left to do, no.9 which sum is ananagram of eleven plus two? no amount of letters given and it is just a general quiz ,thanks for any help
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i've still got a few to do in this quiz so i will be grateful for any help no.24 what do you dig up with a spalding spade ? no.26 which weapon of war is the billhook derived from ? the next 4 answers...

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