help needed please No.19 a Checking for errors 5,7. No 19b Former partner giving in we hear -that's going too far [9] No .12 Good heavens Alexander Fleming was one I hear [5,5]...
Just two more answers needed please no . 42 Andersons sigh relied on a Christmas arrangement [6 ,4 ]] no. 49 Youngster has taken in a strategy to get to Father Christmas [7]...
Help needed with a few answers please No. 4 Touched the extremities [4 4 ] No.18 Snap imitator [11] No. 20 Cane unknown record [64 ] No. 38 Drastic rule to close MPs debate [10] No. 39 Fish loses 1...
Some help needed please no. 24 Stoker has jewellery -and gets the bird [9] no.29 Grouse about a clerical pie [12] no. 38 Total 101 -change to an avian answer [4,3] Thanks for any suggestions .
Some help needed please no. 1 ,Crazy Caledonian jazz fan [8,7,] no. 5 ,A menial creator for Christopher [5] ,no. 6 Colourful hindsight ?It's a female [3,4,]no.18 Impress an elephant type [4] Thank you
Some help needed please with some cryptic place names with christian sounding connections . no .2 Holy house in Hampshire [12] no.4 Head of chapter of canons hung up , village in Northants [11] no. 5...
Some help needed please no. 4a Reckless author goes after an idiot [9] 4b Late [5] no. 12a Fruity Englishman [5] 12b Hinder [6] Thanks for any suggestions ....
Just a few answers needed please to finish this quiz ,no. 29 Priest falls at junction [7] ,no. 30 Force decreases [7] no. 34 Music players have French water [7] no. 35 Vomit round the Queen [6] no. 37...
Some help needed please no.5 Spellbinder [10] no. 9 Military machine has plank [11] no. 13 Island cash drawer with article [8] no. 14 Sulky look twists for early English [6] Thanks for any suggestions...
Some help needed please no. 5 Spellbinder [10] , no. 9 Military machine has plank [11] , no.13 Island cash drawer with article [8] no. 14 Sulky look twists for early English [6] .Thanks for any...
Just four answers needed please to finish this quiz no. 21 Firing film idol [8 4 ] no. 24 Big top show loses carbon ,takes in king [6] no. 31 Steam track [6 5 ] no. 37 Swine hold fallen number [7]...
Help needed please to finish this quiz ,no. 23 Academy award winning film ,for best sound mixing of the 2010s [8] [I think to rhyme with mash ]no . 25 False name given by Travis to a secret service...