Does anybody else find it a huge backward step in thinking and logic that in the US (Kansas), schools must now teach that evolution is just a theory, and that the universe is so complex there may be...
I haven't seen today's press but heard on the news about a pic of Jamie Oliver slitting the throat of a sheep. Is the hoo ha about the picture being in the press (which is pretty gross) or just about...
I talk to myself...alot. It started about 6 years ago with insignificant mutterings like, "think I'll have something to eat" and has steadily escalated into full blown dialogue. For instance, if I am...
Following from the other thread, did evolution actually happen? If so: what did we come from? what was before them? what's still around of what was way back then? what happened to the other stuff? why...
Do any others out there in AB land suspect that the real reason the police want a 90 day detention without charge is, so that they can use the threat of 3mths detention as a means of scareing a...
I have been reading this article on BBC News: I would like to hear the views of *you* - the...
Twice this week a parcel delivery firm has tried to deliver a parcel that needs signing for and failed, I called them and they can only deliver when I'm at work or I can collect it form 50 miles away!... Am I the only one who has an overwhelming desire to see Sadam's mate, in an orange jump suit in Guantanamo?
So people get annoyed with words - sticks and stones obviously doesn't apply anymore. So what is racist, what is ofefnsive and at what point do we stop. Listening to 5 live quite a while ago, I...
This question came up in another thread but only got one answer, which I don't think was complete (apologies to mib). It would be nice to hear other opinions. The idea came from the typical...
Considering that i live in england, in a modest sized house, is it at all viable? considering the costs of the panels and lack of sun for a large portion of the year?Also, would there be any way to...
Existence, mmm? What's the point? Now, let me qualify that: I've been through all the "life begets life" and the "the meaning of existence is reproducing itself" stuff... AND the only reason i've...
Im in a very tricky situation. Shortly after the birth of my second child (3 weeks actually) i met a guy, and we gradually started a relationship. 4 months later his wife called me..... but hended up...
A question that's confused me for years... if we ignored the laws of physics for one minute and imagined flying in an aeroplane at the speed of light, we then look in our rear view mirror at the plane...
as of today i am drinking 2.5 litres of water a day (dont think i have been even drinking a litre), no alcohol over than saturdays and even then i have to have a water in between every alcoholic...