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Hi, is it cruel to keep a cat indoors all the time? I've always had cats but they've lived in a quiet village with a big garden and lots of fields. Now I live in a second storey flat in the middle of...
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just curious - if you are pro war (and I do mean taking out tyrannical dictators), surely that must mean that we are going in to a country because of their human rights abuses eg Iraq, Zimbabwe etc....
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what will  our spiecies look like in one million years time?
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what do you think our response should be? iran_news_article 
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exactly who wrote the bible, and how did it ever become so popular and when was it written?
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what is your view of spirituilists / mediums?  has anyone had an unexplainable experience with one which proves it really is possible to contact spirits? i'd be really interested to hear. xx
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What did Booker T. Washington mean when he said, "Notwithstanding the cruel wrongs inflicted upon us, the black man got nearly as much out of slavery as the white man did?"
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Did anyone else hear the recent interview when he was asked about using drugs at Uni?  He wouldn't say one way or other. do you think it matters or should we have a straight answer?
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I've enjoyed reading some of the threads on the topic of the 'missing link' aspect of Darwinism. Can anyone recomemnd any good books (written in layman's terms) on the subject?
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The Rut
If you could erase one person from history who would it be?
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I've got a friend that I've known about 2 years but we go through phases of not really spending that much time together,and might not contact each other for a month ago. We slept together within the...
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Whould I be more likely to win a prize if I bought 3 tickets to one raffle or a ticket to each of three raffles? All raffles have the same number of tickets, say 100 for the sake of argument. Instinct...
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has the process of digitalisation and subsequent technological convergence made the media more accessible accountable and democratic ?
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Hello all, Just want to know if any of you are giving up smoking at the moment, or if you have given up previously. I haven't smoked since Saturday, not long I know, but I'm using an inhaler to help...
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The poll on the sky news web site today asks if the MOBO awards are still relevant, well this got me thinking about racism, I mean there's no MOWO awards and the Loony Lib PC brigade would be up...
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History tells us that this was the caveman, yet the bible says that it was Adam. Does this mean that Adam was a caveman? Or is one of them wrong? If so, which?
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Some scentists say the earth is round, some not. Do we have anything beyond a 'theory' that shows it is not flat? I have driven many many miles, and it just seems to keep on going, flat as ever. Even...
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Where doe's this tragic disease originate from? I heard (how shall I put) extravagant claims to it origins from bizarre claims that it originate from Africa with some individual acquiring after having...
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Why Tesco should be blamed/ is blameless?
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I know there is a world of difference between depression and being depressed. I am the latter and I know the reasons for it, but there is nothing I can do to change these reasons. Given this, would...

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