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I have quite a few direct debits come out on the first of every month but on looking at my account, none have come out today.  Would that be because it is a bank holiday.  TIA    
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It's here, now.
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Can anybody tell me how to deal with the above.  There are hours I don't sleep   -   please help.  
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I was lying on my big comfy settee last night watching dull-ache TV - I lifted my legs off to get something from the kitchen.  Next thing the most excruciating pain boomed into my right ankle. ... ...
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But I would like something sweetish from the shop. What shall I buy  
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My elderly neighbour has just phoned a bit confused.  She has been told the problems she has standing up straight, weakness in her left side and difficulty walking are caused by a problem in her... ...
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I bought a 2019 i10 car in September last year and now and again when you turn on the ignition, car won't start, turn it again and won't start, turn it 3rd time and it whinnys into life. I am just... ...
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Hi Does anybody know if Aldi or Lidl sell Non Alcoholic Wines please.? Or if not Sainsburys or Asda.?  Thanks.
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I have one at the side and front of house - they have both gone out.  Does that mean I have to pay for two new ones or can the bulbs be replaced.  
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In my working life I just paid the regular tax from wages etc so have never had to do a tax return ever. Can anybody tell me when do you have to fill in a return (ie not month etc) but if you have... ...
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After missing her for a fortnight, I got my beloved cat, Tablo, back again yesterday! She was found about a quarter of a mile way from here by a lady who was concerned that she looked very lost and... ...
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Just wondering and hope she's ok. 😏
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Every now and again I park my car on the road.  I live on a cul-de-sac so no kerb. Reason being when I park on driveway there are like 6 cars outside of one neighbour and 7 outside another plus... ...
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This story really upset me this morning.   For her daughter's tenth birthday Tamara Ecclestone has bought her a sloth which, separated from its natural environment and its own kind, now resides in... ...
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Sorry but it looks nothing like her.. or William.  I think they have hired lookalikes from an Agency.  What do you think?
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10ClarionSt and houses? The local council have said they are going to build a number of "homes" in the area. I would have thought they would be houses. Is it some sort of psychology, to make... ...
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Decided to watch bits and bobs of it when there is nothing else on.  Don't know half of them but what I have seen like some of the young ones think highly of Louis Walsh who could possibly be... ...
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Have a good day all. Gone shopping.😃
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Any news on Tablo ?
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The day you left school, did you look back for a second and think, I wish I wasn't leaving or, thank god for that, happy days ahead?

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