Paying attention? Maybe Nigel isnt(9) wonderful dancing OU girls grab Oscar (8) As seen on TV'perhaps, but not a 19th century Scottish author (9) Novice puts out green bin(8)
Answer 60 how? @At Ians birthday party, a half minus eight of the guests are relatives, 13 are work colleagues, and a fifth plus nine are friends. if three gatecrashers also turned up, how many... ...
45) Wish, and you are in for a drink(6) 47) Mother has doubts! (7) 51) Sounds like a rock used by an Englishman (11) 8) Tailess rodent headless Japanese city? (8) any help with these please can't seem... ...
Good morning everyone - going to be a warm one here today, just in time for the Christmas Pageant which always signals the start of the silly season in Adelaide. It's not going to last, but giving... ...
Some more cryptic clues to places in Yorkshire 1. Moves cot to nursery section ( 7 letters) 2. Right to include fish in river (12 letters) 3. Excliudes number inside grassland (8 letters ) 4. There's... ...