What are these Dunbar please 1. Australian (the Au in bold) 2. 2=2x1 3=3x1 4=2x2 6=3x2 6=2x3. 9=3x3 8=2x4. 12=3x4 3. JIB CCCCCCC 4. 1 (on the left) with 11 number 2s spread... ...
8d ragged dishcloths wiping old dishes from russia (7) begins with s has to drop a letter to make another word 32d somehow strive to host australian raves in perth (7) t--er-- (has to drop a letter... ...
Stuck as usual. Help please 1a A star is able to work 7 letters c?n???s 3d Make it using past haul 11 letters ??????????? 6d Comedian shot in joint nearby 11 letters w????n????? 25a Blast radius... ...
End game... I can see what to drop out, but what to replace it with?? Also missing one letter in an answer... 16a Men in Acapulco uncovered and outnumbered opponent (5) ?MBRE