1. If shortened round a misshaped coot is back to full length. 2. A sudden move to limits of railway 3. Female bird confused by a tune 4. Aiding emergency call to come to a conclusion 5. Tidier copper...
6a. Boy barber is to hum and haw (6) --AV-R. 27a. Sepia fills this flush waste mostly quietly drained (6) IN--A-. 29a. Special shed for Trudeau's fish (5) S--L-. 31a. Language of cheesy stuff, but...
Hi all a few questions: 16d Admit to hiding from dominie? Leg it and lead scoots (9, two words) ?ET?ALD?E I don't know the split 10d What winds up showjumper? empty hurdle (6) ?A?DLE 13a Vaulted over...
2 could be blinds or cat, wrought or pig & spinney 7 put ka in part of face & hat or tie 11 often butt end of snooker cue 14 white dog often called this , anagram miles p 17 another name for elk & log...
1. Untidy bird (6, 5)
2. Used for watering (4)
3. Sugar coated crest (9)
4. Add H for a winner (7)
5. Economy (6)
6. Bird curse (6)
7. Dude of an animal (7)...