42) Power Carrier Common (6) 55)Blue Orange Red (5) 67)Box Paper Secret (6) 75)Stitch Bath Wet (7) 22)Press Wave Magnet(9) 26)Plum Cherry Beef (6) link word has the number of letters in brackets, and...
Help please.
1a. Beast Kirby bit in error. G?R?F?E got to be giraffe but why?
19d. Stuff required first in a river. C??M? Is it cram?
Thanks for any help....
96 cold country with Andes, gas or coal , small tree My thoughts where Chile fire and maybe bonsai but don't really know 70. Anagram 4 & 4 letters roar muck 53. Police & mums boy, anagram spyscer. Got...
Very grateful for any help with these two clues please.
6ac: "It's hard in prison for a detective (4)." I have -H-N.
20dn: "A sort of bench or perch (6)." I have -E-T-E....