Each number from 1 to 9 repersentents a different letter solve the clues and insert the letters in the appropriate sqaures to discover a word which uses all nine lettere 387- Gives a boys name ... ...
Answers are people or fictional characters or animals with named shared with flower 7. Her father taught her how to hunt with a bow and arrow as well as forage for edible plants (7 8) 13. Small... ...
THe clues don't have definitions I could answer very few Please help me . 1a Sort of woman relative,primarily - i.e not son (3,7) Is it anagram of Wrienotson? 6a somewhat daunting (4) Is it the 4 letter... ...
End game... I can see what to drop out, but what to replace it with?? Also missing one letter in an answer... 16a Men in Acapulco uncovered and outnumbered opponent (5) ?MBRE
Has this dessert been cooked to perfection 8 4 a tasty way to eat little worms in Italy. 10 sounds like a rock used by an Englishman. thanks you so much. Really appreciate your help.
All the answers are soups or stews. I know there is plenty of time but I am really stuck on this one. 9. 1000 in test room & short chain argued in chaos (4,7). I am confident with lamb for the first... ...
I can't understand this crossword I have got answers to only 5 clues Viz. 9a,4d,15d,17d,20d I know answers need to be modified before entry. But since I don't have most answers don't know how to... ...