Can anyone help with these items found in the kitchen? 17 Change made an example executive (6,5) 27 Court with sentimental feelings (5) 45 If I am in then these become a fitness thing (6) Thanks for...
Places in lincolnshire 7. Change direction for a sporting extra (6) 25. Kenneth and mary went to the point to point on sunday(7) 33. On the12th day of Christmas the hood comes out here (5) 48. The...
23a,The extra gets the novice to find one type of fungus(5)M-R-L?
18d,volcanic destruction here scattered the pie I mop up(7) -O--E-I ?
Any help would be great...
the answer is a famous person with consecutive letters in their first name and their surname eg
beheaded wife of Henry V111 Anne Boleyn
43. Has 5 Wimbledon single titles...
Answers are all types of transport - I have 2 left out of 100. Help please you clever people! 49. Can you go to the East with speed. (2 word answer) 59. Turning radar, litter carton moved slowly. (3...
Sport quiz questions. 1,could be fencing (7 letters) 2,desperately seeking Harry (9 letters) 3,a north or south burial chamber (9 letters) 4,cock one at the ladys ?.(7 letters) 5.a short debate (6...
5d Wee drink at first satisified (but only at first) theatrical types. D?a?a?i?t?. I think it is dramatists. I can get dram + a (first letter of at) but can't get the tists or the relevance of...
Thanks in advance as ever.
7. Consumption of food in a political assembly (4).
12. The reason which contributes to having an intermediary (6)
29. Gentle process of bidding for work (6)...