Letter From Africa. I am stuck on three and the closing date is fast approaching. All one word answers. 30. The queen here did nothing. Ends in e 60. Port found in one clue or another. Ends in an 95....
Bit of an odd one. I have two clues to get which interlink, ^ being the common letter: 10a Rooms we’re acceptable but lacking finish S?I?^ 7d Kitchen utensil S?^?E? If 10a is SUITE that indicates 7d...
We think we have finished this puzzle, but can't parse one answer. The wordplay has one superfluous letter, and we would dearly like it to be an 'i': 15d Upset archbishop is associated with this...
each answer is a town or city in the world, first letter of each answer is the same as the last letter of the preceding answer, in these cases i can give give some letters 9. Gun road to here? (7) D...
Last one, I think, we just can't get. Must be thematic so no definition but person's name, or an object asociated with a county:
20a Briefly put down detective falling short in both cases (4) ?o?y...
25 Across : Advancing copyright in designs produces these responses.
Answer : reactions. I can see 'a' and 'c' for advancing copyright but where are the ' designs ' ?...