Sorry kayakamina and alexanderd - I'm only just learning how this works!
Clues again:5d Leaders in London and Glasgow delay (L-G-); 16d See work unknown in coils (-O--)...
25a boaster (8) ??r?g?r? 3d Way out political thinking (9) 31a Act of a corporation (7) ?y?t?t? 28a Jargon (5) 2d Touch reading (7) R?????e 5a In bits and pieces (7) ?c?a??? many thanks to anyone who...
Only got a couple left any help would be appreciated Panic will strike if this is in here! ( Your children (4.3.9.) and A decorator uses these (9.7.) I thought 'different strokes' for the...
1 ac band section and one of its members breathe with it . 1 word 8 letters
9 ac sign of quality in new team in church of scotland. 1 word 8 letters...