my daughter has been told she has an anarobe infection? she has had problems with pain in her ovaries. can anyone tell me what this infection is (in simple terms please) Thanks
Hi there is a film, to be shown in the week Helter Skelter. Its not the original. I know the Helter Skelter is a Beatles track, and the film is about Charles Manson, but was is the...
Hi I just realised that I might be coming across a bit forward by jumping into threads (mostly on this section) that are going on between certain groups of people who have obviously gotten to know...
Ever said anything perfectly acceptable at home but mortifying to others? For example when I was in London I mentioned going out in vest and pants, which here are a waiscoat and trousers. Also someone...
It's now the weekend and I expect Ed has gone to the rich green suburbia leaving us mere mortals to fight another day. So where is the promised Chat???
my boyfriend gets pains down his right side...from the kidney/liver region down through his groin round his legs to his toes...the joints of his right side ache too....and he 'clicks' his knee to...
Or in my case it should be No Speak Text! Wouldn't it be nice if there was a polite note on the home page asking ABers to please try not to use text speak as it annoys the hell out...
What is the meaning of "Gimme a ballpark" and "on the high side" in the following sentences? "Now we're getting somewhere. And you have possession of the family heirloom?" "That's right." ...
What is the meaning of "In the thick of things" in the following sentences? "Yeah, I saw him once. I sneaked over one night and picked a new casino, hell they got fifteen now, and while I was playin'...
ABE my lovely, How on EARTH is it, that when I wrote a question about smart little hyperlinks, and the "has your question been asked before?" options popped up, it included a question on removing tree...
Is anyone else really irritated by the way that T4 show a brutally edited version of Futurama? In today's episode, "Xmas Story", the mild "c" word, and the word "booze" were the two most noticable, as...
My friend's partner has just admitted to seeing not one but TWO other women over the past 6 months. She said he did it because she has not had sex with him for a year. She said she hadn't had sex with...
The developments since my last question 'is he cheating?' I think I can pretty much say that he is cheating. He has now taken to having hour long conversations with the person in question whilst...