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cant get my compact flash reader to reinstall after having to reformat the hard disk onthe computer (windows ME) windows wont seem to recognise it at all. any ideas how to solve this. Everything was...
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Ive just been given a buzz lightyear toy (12' tall) how on earth do i change to batteries???
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I'm looking for a HP Omnibook 6000 restore CD. I've lost the original that came with the system. The system needs a full restore to be functional again. Any ideas about where I could source another...
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Are they worth Buying
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the reports of the death of a friend's machine i mentioned b4 have been greatly exaggerated--i have 'a' system up and running now--but 1 problem left--system will NOT recognise ps/2 mouse port--if i...
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Does anyone still make these, or will I just have to buy an illicitly modified one?
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crayola kid
Does anyone know where i could get a new lens preferably a zoom lens from...and pretty cheaply
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I've heard that Kazaa is full of spyware, but what exactly is spyware and why is it so bad? What does it do?
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I've downloaded Kazaa but now I don't want it. Everytime I turn my computer on it comes up. How do I get rid of it? Please help?
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ive downloaded some movies from the internet and windows media player plays the sound only as if its a tune and winamp plays the actual fottage but upsidedown? please help me!!
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Whats the best advert on TV in the last 10 years. Best TUNE, best LAUGH, most memorable

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