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I sent my friends 3 children ?20 each for Xmas. They all know my address and email and not one has bothered to either acknowledge or thank me for their present. Their ages are 12,14 and 16. Do I...
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Can anyone who has been to Kenya recently (Mombasa) confirm how much the Visa costs in Sterling. I have also been advised to print the form off the Kenyan Embassy Website before we go to save waiting...
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Does anyone know when this is being shown over the Christmas period (viewer in Scotland!). I am having problems with my computer at the moment and seaching some of the TV guide sites is taking for...
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Hi, has anyone been to Kenya on holiday? I've just been looking at holidays on the internet and it seems like really good value for money. Does anyone have any do's and don'ts? How much does...
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Does anyone know if there's a cream to prevent scaring. My 13 year old has Acne and it's begining to leave scars. He has just started a course of antibiotics from the doctor but is there anything out...
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Can anyone advise if Braun Gas Cartridges (for straightners) are supposed to be carried in hand luggage or put in with checked in baggage when flying? many thanks
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Where is the best place to buy this and how long does it take to get?
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Ok- to start Im incredibly fickle and its a huge flaw of mine but why do I always start to lose interest in somebody the minute the chase is over? I can be head over heels in lust, and the minute they...
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My back feels like it needs to be cracked, but do i have to be referred by a doctor or can you just go.
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I've just been offered a slow cook pot, my question is; can I adapt any recipe to this form of cooking. Any help would be really appreciated.
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If he was giving you the right signals and implying that he wanted to see you again, but you knew he was inept at the social skills of asking a girl out, would you take the bull by the horns (so to...
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Some time ago it was announced that scientists had done a lot of research and actually determined what was the funniest joke, can anyone remember it?
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Headless Rat
Does anyone else feel like the older they get, the less quick witted they become?I do! Don't want to sound up myself (becasue I'm not) but when I was younger I was a LOT smarter than I am now; in...
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Anyway, there are loads of things going around in my head and i'm not sure what to do. He's invited me to Leeds in a couple of weeks to see what kinds of things he does, but i'm worried he may want a...
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Mr Tall
When yo see a member of the opposite sex do you play the game were you decide if you would sleep with them or not. I don't even notice I'm doing it anymore, I just kind of walk down the street going...
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Got friends coming for dinner tomorrow night and need inspiration what to cook. Anyone have any wow ideas. Something fairly quick and simple but yummy !! Everyone eats everything and has no allergies...
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Does anyone know if a Roman Catholic wedding service can be held in a church that is not in the town you live in? We will hopefully be getting married in the not too far off future and I was just...
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I had a row with my boyfriend of 5 years and locked him out of the house. That was two weeks ago and he's still not back. He said we need a long talk and I agreed. We are talking fine, I've met him...
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Can anyone suggest some uplifting films? Ideally rentable. I need cheering up!
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Before I invest ?135 in a pair of MBT Trainers, have any of you purchased a pair and are they worth the money and all they are hyped up to be? Love to hear you opinions before my fitting tomorrow.

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