I have just found out that the new phone I've bought has a period counter in it. Its counts down your next period for you and tells you if you are late or not. Is that handy or is that handy? My...
i was just wondering why do guys like blondes so much better than brunettes its totally unfair i mean i have natural dark hair and i have enough male attention but my blonde friend gets so much she...
I know someone is going to think this is really dumb but...i just can't get out of bed in the morning and I just know it is going to get worse in the winter... anyone have any tips for making the...
I'm abit drunk as my friend came over for dinner and we shared some wine. She is having trouble at the minute with her housemate but I need advice on that and will post it inn another thread....
Me & some friends are going for an 'eat all you can for a fiver' chinese buffet...yummy !!So if your in Birmingham city centre & you see a group of cackling tipsy women, dont worry we're...
I left a small bit of red wine in a glass on tuesday night. When I got up yesterday there was a wasp swimming in it I admit I did get a sick pleasure watching it...Anyway just went to throw it out...