Can't sleep, though of you.... Still couldn't sleep Thought of AB without your input...(snores) wakes up... Take care o' yoursel and don't change..... .....Well (being responsible....) ...ach no, I'm...
You can reach me by sail boat, climb a tree and swing rope to rope Take a sled and slide down the slope, into these arms of mine You can jump on a speedy colt, cross the border in a blaze of hope I...
Does anyone actually like women? I'm looking forward to having one this year (yes, i know it's only October) but then i do every year and it's always complete and utter poo. Am i doing something...
Does anyone actually like Christmas? I'm looking forward to it this year (yes, I know it's only October) but then I do every year and it's always complete and utter poo.
You told me i only had to cook for 5 people on here? I've counted 8 in the last 10 mins. So which is it to be? Ahhhhh i get it now, you want all the pancakes for yourself? I am such a fool.
I posted two stupid questions (Just a thought) and I think only Dot and Elvis saw them for what they were, SO for all those that takes life to seriously on CB here is a few more to get your head...
A man walked into the clubhouse and noticed a friend sitting in a corner wearing a neck brace. He sat down and asked his mate what happened. "Well, I was playing golf and I hit my ball into the...