....what is it that can lift the nation? Answer: Manchester Unired losing a football match. A sign of the times we live in. But Barca were miles better than us tonight. No arguments.
from posty's thread may I just say that this site is a joke. Have we got a troll for a spare ed or moderator? Now watch me get banned for telling the truth
If you could have any creature/thing from a tv/film as a pet what would you have. Mine would be that little caterpiller thing from labyrinth 'heeeeello come in meet the misses' I could put its hair in...
or fighting to the death? a fight between a washing machine and a hoover or a rhino and a beetle racing.................... that's just 2 quick ones..............................
It has reached my attention that I am excessively noisy whilst having sex, my new partner puts his hand over my mouth. I can't help it, i am lost in pleasure, is he wrong or am I ? x My ex preferred...
What are the best or worst you have heard or used. Mine was when this chap I was (reluctantly) dancing with uttered the immortal lines "Do you come here often?"..... we were at a...