I've bought a gorgeous little black and white hamster today and we have decided to call him Derek! We also considered the names Harold and Trevor (my little man could only say feather though) lol . I...
Whiffets about and it was nice and peacefull on here until now so all the other little trolls will rear their ugly heads as well soon. The mood on here can change so quickley when the goons get to...
I have to come on here this morning and aplogise for my behavior towards the lovely people on here last night and the night before and for every night in the past when I have intentionally upset...
It's been just like the old days on here, a mix of every conceivable human trait. Long may it continue, my question is...... "Who would you like to see return to AB?" For me it would be Deesel, a...
Would you like to live in one of englands major cities?Liverpool , manchester , birminghham , london? If you would then which one ? Aquas barbie girl or the birdy song? What colour top you weraing now...
used to love this site , had a real laugh and learned stuff latley it has left a bad taste in my mouth all the nastiness and threats am i the only one who thinks we should NOW LEAVE THEM ALL ALONE AND...
All go on here today as Sticky Vicki seems to had there marching orders . I've no idea as to what happened the other nite , but reading some of the things posted today it's all over the top and a very...
Did your first post contain the immortal line "Hi, Im new here"? Mine didnt, mine was a question, I was just wondering if trolls who pretend they are new use that line or genuine newbies as well?
i dont normally respond to nasty comments, but in this case i'll make an exeption. a mean person called my forum members a nasty name and said they all had low IQs, well , i dont rember your name man,...
they come on here at night. spewing their vile abuse. but i was thinking. do you think if they had everyones phone numbers. would they call and say what they so easily type? cos id be willing to bet...
Following on from my now banned video which some folks said was shocking, it got me thinking. Have you ever seen: 1) A real gun (excluding servicemen and farmers) 2) A nasty road accident 3) A...
I have devised a top 4 things that will make this site a darn site better. Please be good enough to answer upon your return as to why they can not be implemented. 1) Anybody who is abusive for NO...
I am going this time, for good and all, forever. I think I've been a fairly loyal member of AB, and I always find a strange stirring when I log in and it says Welcome back Whiffey what is your...