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i am not mentioning no names here, its up to you lot to think for your selfs!! but here go's!! a few weeks ago ward minter came up with an idea that a certain member was a fully grown man pretending...
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Is there anything that even comes close to the feeling? :))) x x x x x x x
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My feet are still sore and I am dreading the predicted heatwave, is there a really cool reason to skive off for a week? go on use your imagination and give it your best shot. dotty xxxx PS evil bints...
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Whats happened to AB? Ive only been away a few days and its anarchy in here. Who are all these greenies? Will the real raysparx please stand up. Im not good a dealing with change "sob wail" will all...
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I go out for a couple of hours to the Wirral show - not that I wanted to go but was dragged along by someone who thought it would be spectacular! anyway, no sun to be seen, not even a glimpse, just...
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I would just like to extend a formal apology to all for beng grouchy in the extreme during the hours of 8.30 pm and 11.30 am fri/sat GMT. In my defence, your honour, I was troubled by a nuisance noise...
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has this facility stopped? usually when you post a website addy it becomes a link, i just posted a message and added a website addy and it didnt come up highlighted, which is a pain as you cant...
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(sorry if this is the wrong place to post this) I really need some help, I'm 6 mths pregnant and showing greatly (for want of a better word) In 3 weeks time it's my sisters 18th birthday and she's...
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has deemed it appropriate to falsley report my thankyou to Belle fast for potentially saving my sons life., this for her is a new low, amazingly.
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Is this guys assessment of me correct? I leave it to ABers to judge. See my answer then Berylium's. ion/Question270414.html
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say your on a public loo and your dying for a no2, do you flush to make a noise just incase you break wind loudly or make a plopping sound or do you just get on with it and to hell if anyone hears...
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Why is my poo yellow liquid i am 27!
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it's friday!!!!!! all is right with the world!!!!!! i'm so excited!!!! xXxXxXxXxXxXx
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If you could only choose to know what one specific AB'er looked like who would it be??I know what quite a few look like thanks to the wonders of MSN and emailing pics,but I would love to know what the...
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Me and my friends discuss this quite often.. those of u that dont have kids what would be your ideal age to have them? I'm 21 and think that 26 is a perfect age for me... i just think that by then...
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Good or Bad things on here? Chimps are fine in the wild or in the Zoo,but when they get out,they are dangerous and evil things,I trap them for the good of the public .
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think about........
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Any ideas? Not that EVERYONE who has a pit bull is a chav so no offence, I think they're cute, but it's true! ;D I guess I'm going to be like a lamb to the slaughter here.... yoiks!
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Hi guys,I have a rare few hours peace as I have house to myself till 2.30pm.So shall I be selfish and play on AB.drink lots of tea and biccies,or do all the housework whilst nobody is under my feet??
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Dear Mrs Ed, Would you please provide me with a cyber Uzi 9mm and turn a blind eye for a day so that I could clear out some of the undesirables on here.

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