That last tit in the box, the one that looked like it would die ? All a big set-up by the BBC. Did you see the mother feed that last lame chick tonight ? Yes, all a BBC fix, because the local people...
A few days ago I emailed you re: amykyle and sexyrussian. I asked if it was possible to check the site logs to see if these were indeed the same person. Well "she" has slipped up and posted us amykyle...
russion asked earlier which celebs we thought we looked like. i was just wondering who u would like to look like and/or who u would like your partners to look like? xXx
Not specifically (no full address required), but noticed today that it's not just UK people who are using AB (I'm a bit dim). So what countries/areas do you ABers represent? I'm from North Wales/UK.
well cant believe it im blumin 23 and havin to live at home till find a job that pays enough for me to move out. Retreated upstairs as had enough of my dad shoutin at the smallest thing. Im really...
Has anybody else warmed to Pete like me? I think he's such a gentle soul - I totally amazed myself today when I resisted the urge to swat a moth and kill it. I looked at the little feller and felt mad...
Nikki would have got the vote hands down 2 weeks ago, but now I think that the real culprits have got off scot free, I could cheerfully strangle Grace (apt name by the way!!!) why are they so thick...
As the Editor is in the mood to set up new temp categories, a little space needs to be set up for me and Bobtheturkey to fight a duel. The prize being my wife. He has been seeing her behind my back,...
Is it just me, or does Nikki (the spoilt brat) from big brother bear a remarkable resemeblance to Vanessa Feltz - especially considering the way she was in the Celeb BB house a few years ago??
returned from college at 3pm and mum and dad got home 3.30 told them the news my mum cried and my dad walked outside. i was crying my boyfriend was crying. my mum told me that she would stand by me...
Does anyone know the music that played during the review of the new Lotus Exige(?) in the previous episode of top gear? It was a simple electric guitar tune but muted and with reverb.
Following on from Spinchips suggestion, how did you all pick your Answerbank name? Mine is a combination of mad - self explanitory (even though I'm not mad) and ham - as in hamilton.... et voila...