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Has anyone found an electronic cat scarer that actually works?
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Does anyone know a source of plans or design plans for wooden window frames. Every site I see whats to provide frames but I would prefer to make my own as I have the tools and the space
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how much ground is needed to heat a 4 bedroom house with a heat pump
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Is the highway code law and if not how do you know which parts are?
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Some time ago I saw a tradesman repairing an external cracked plaster wall. He explaind the method to me but I have forgetten the detail over a long period. My garage wall needs attention and I dont...
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How do I delete items in my Media Library. I don't know where they came from although they are harless but they get in the way of other things,
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Is it possible to play DVDs with a TV that does not have a SCART connector?
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Our small row of about 8 houses is constanty blasted by extremely noisy amplified music in a local garden. The resident couldn't care less and is abusive when approached. The police are not interested...
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Has anyoe heard of Swiss Lotto. I have been informed that I have won a large sum of money which I don't believe but will investigate carefully without disclosures and report to authority if necessary.

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