Trying to make Succotash (whilst keeping one finger on the "Recent Posts" refresh button). But crikey, there are so many different recipes. Has anyone seen pastafreak today? I could do with some...
You might have 30 seconds to grab what you can. You DO NOT have 30 seconds to think ... ... otherwise you have to run out, empty handed. QUICKLY !!!!!! What have you grabbed?
Why are sissy squats called sissy squats ... ... given how much they hurt !!! Is it gym irony ("Pumping Irony" ha ha) ? Where did the term "sissy squat" originate ?
An article in today's Guardian asks if moustaches could come back into fashion. Ya, right ... In what parallel universe could that ever happen? Girls ... tell me I'm right here !!!
Richard Hickox died today. He was one of the most influential conductors of recent years. A prolific recorder with the London Symphony Orchestra, and the Philharmonia Orchestra. Sad. But also ...he...
John Lennon said that The Beatles were as popular as Jesus. He was castigated by the Catholic Church for expressing his opinion. Now, in it's newspaper, the Osservatore Romano, the Vatican has...
Food for thought. A bunch of people, who seem to be a law unto themselves, have seized an oil tanker carrying $100m of crude oil. Clearly they are illegal pirates. So if another bunch of people, who...
Here's a clue from today's crossword ... Man behind, when the passenger's late (6). "Late" could mean dead. Man = HE Behind = ARSE Answer ... HEARSE And that's why I love The Guardian. You don't get...