17ac. In gothic architecture, an element in the form of a bud or curled leaf used to decorate an arch , pinnacle or spire(7). ?R?C?E?
Last one so help appreciated...
Victorian watercolour painter whose works include The Saucer of ||Milk, Spring in the Oakwood, Foxgloves, In a Summer garden and Study of Leeks (9) ?L?I?G?A? Your help greatly appreciated
Just a few left this morning .... 15a area forming part of the Somerset Levels, site of towns, in cluding AXbridge, Bridgewater, Cheddar, North Petherton and Wedmore (9) s?d?e?o?r 38a musical term...
I am stuck on the following: 32a heraldic shield or emblem displayed in a coat of arms 10 ?S?U?C?E?N 20d centre point of a shiled 7 N?M?R?L 39a French fauvist painter noted for colourful scenes of...