Used to be great here to have a banter etc.....but just read down the first 20 posts and I don't recognize one single name. With exception to poodicat. Nothing of interest either in the posts I read....
Did anybody have those when you were younger, it happened mainly in large families. I had three sisters... I was thirteen before I got out of dresses...x
Why do football managers chew gum like there's no tomorrow. Is it "What they do" ? Or is it to calm their nerves knowing they might get the sack at any moment ?
Just got back from holiday on the Isle of Wight..One long party with a free bar every night 7 'til 10..Luvly.! Organised trip from the Ex-Servicemens Club..x lol.
to the actresses.... june whitfield, demi moore and colista flockhart. the last time i spoke to an actress was when i had to deliver the line, 'helo madam, you called for a plumber with a large...
After resting out the new Baileys coffee and the Archers Peach drink beginning with S, i am moving onto to chocolate, galaxy don't do a very big range do they? Not in boxed chocs, or have I not...
Do grown men cry? I do sometimes. Whose got the guts to admit it and what do you shed a tear at? Is'nt it embarrasing when your wife calls you a big baby.!!
I am thinking of growing passion fruit against a south facing wall. I live in Cheshire in the north west. Has anyone any experience of growing the fruit and will it ripen outdoors? Any other comments...