10a. ...deed, I have found it to be moving! (6) a?t?v? 14a. Sweet- in a 'laughing out loud' kind of way? (5)?o?l? 25a. Extra benefits please everyone, rewarding keen staff from the get go (5)... ...
16d. Able to see with the eye; something you hope will happen and then watching it happen (8) ??n????t15a. Most important or of the best quality (5) p????5d. Walk slowly and aimlessly... ...
24a. Border that is more fronty(8)???????? 26a. Appropriate flowers to present to protester Godiva and her ilk? (5,6) ????? ?????s 17&18d. 'That's some number!' The Thunderer hinted cryptically.... ...
43. In May last year a diss track called Not Like US was widely reckoned to have settled "the defining hip-hop beef of the 21st century" in whose favour? (A) Drake or (b) Kendrick Lamar 99. In... ...
25. Zelenskiy blamed the failure of Ukraine's counteroffensive last summer on which one of the following; (A) Food poisoning (B) War plans leaked to Russia (C) Waterlogged battlefields (D) Injuries... ...