Nearly finished (I think). but double II will not fit any of remaining answers
Please could anyone direct me to the II answer where there must be an error. Thanks...
Finished but two I'm not sure hoe to parse
9a. Nanny doubly immersed in cookbook, did you say? 2,4 Au pair but why
26a Judges nailing down contracts. 8 Treaties but again why? Eat in tries...
Really struggling with this.
Dad's appointment list cut in half (7) answer is a name beginning with P but I don't know where it goes so cannot help with other letters....
Help please for the C and G Islands C. Arrested but a sign of danger must be ignored (4) c--- G Egocentric journalism lacking news tip-off (4) G--- I think one ends in O and the other in L Didn't'...
I have quite a lot but am puzzled how to insert. Ideas gratefully received. 4 clues I have not solved yet. V Helmut's dad for example (8) Victoria (island) D Old record player and radio poet holds (8)...
I'm maddened by not getting the last three. 2D: Prison 14 (14=COVERAGE). I have ?A?E [CAGE???] 3D: My call to accommodate ex-president. I have ?R?K?Y. 4D: Skirt as worn by 6 that's no chicken! [Clue 6...