Have narrowed the area down to Scotland, Fort Augustus and Caledonian Canal, but struggling with both clues. The only monument in the area appears to be the Commando Memorial. Is the monarch referred...
Can I start a debate about the name of the hamlet? Many sources on the web point to John Winthrop having been born in Groton. Others say he was born in Edwardstone near Groton. It seems to me that...
My mum is stuck on these last few, can anyone help? 20D Old Testament Book (6) 19A take under ones wing (8) 15A secluded retreat (5) 21D what any of us was during the first seven...
I can't get - 7d flavouring of sweetened boiled cassava juice 9 letters c-s-a-e-p 12d medicine that induces vomiting (6) -m-c-t 1d a split in a group or organisation etc s-h-s- and 22d...
Saturday Telegraph (21st May) 1 Across. Stanley Kubrick should be the anwer, but it can't be because he is definitely not English-born. Can anyone help please? (oxfordmale)
35d. Arabic word that means "In the name of God" 3d. Former name of a large body of water at the southern end of the Great Aftican Rift Valley System. Thanks in advance.
Help with last one please. James ....... (1706-81); British general in America, commander of the British forces in America in the early stages of the French and Indian war _ B _ R _ R _ S _ I _...
Hopelessly stuck on last clue: "Which author was reduced to tears by a silent Danish film of 1913, Catastrophe at the Dock, about an engineer who goes mad with grief on seeing the collapse of a dock...