Thanks to all of you for your advice on here, You'd be surprised how much it did actually help me. I'm glad to say now that Mr.S has returned home and is getting used to the idea of having baby...
'viva las vegas'.........hi alll.....hhhhooooowwwaaaa......karate kicks thin are we watchin eastenders......wheres the glamour.....gimme dallas or dynasty anytime!!
My sister works part time at one of the large fast food chains whilst she is at college. About 2 months back they asked her to climb a ladder to clean one of the signs. She had been given no ladder...
My nails are really long and I'm proud of them but do you think I should file them down a tad?? Sandwich anyone?
He says he phoned me on my mobile yesterday and it was switched off, (in a accusatery voice) told him it was off becuse the battery died on way to work, but that I was here all last night on the...
Dotty's inspired me (blimey- her madness is catching!). It's winter time (well nearly) what's your favorite winter pudding? Mines gotta be treacle o syrup sponge and custard. I'm slavvering at...