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 mornng everyone, just found out that the lady i brought home two nights ago isn't angelina jolie, theres a photo of the real jolie in this mornings paper and shes nothing like the woman in...
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What was Swindon football club the first to offer visiting referees?
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Is Pixi lazy? The other day she was down stairs staighening her hair, and I was upstairs messing around with black sellotape, I hear her calling me from the living room so I go see what see wants, and...
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Relegion (as we all know) has destroyed more lives in history (war/terroism) then anything else. I believe all specfic relgion bias (Catholic,Jewish,Muslim) should be banned from all schools. This...
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mr. piper
I am so sorry to ask this, but enough is enough, Has BOOBESQUE got big boobs? Please understand this is a purely academic question, i am keen to see why people pick their user names, my son christened...
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any good poems?
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Why is it that when a woman is on her last legs with a stinking cold, shes asked 'aw bless, have you got the sniffles?' yet as soon as a man sneezes once he's suddenly got man flu?
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alli mac
Does anyone remember red tic-tacs they were cinnamon flavour and quite strong also red areo strawberry flavour, why dont they make these anymore?
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Posted on behalf of kazzee69 - Does anyone remeber those keyrings that were like a little black box (looked like a tiny t.v remote) and they had about 10-20 buttons on (all different colours) and each...
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It seems time to move out of CB, like I said on my suggestions thread:- Here  the newbies seem to have taken over, sadly to AB's demise, or perhaps it's just time to throw the towel in and...
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if smoking a single cigerette takes five minutes off your life how old do you work out to be ? i just worked out that having smoked twenty a day for the past twenty years i am only 38 years and four...
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Can you sign below to join either the harridan or newbies quidditch team.  Harridans of course will be using our trusty old broomsticks and newbies you will be on quidditch sticks.  The time...
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Any one fancy a word assoc game?
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Grrrrrr back off, it's one question, its a little question, its my question and I'll ask what I like.  As Chatterbank seems more Bickerbank over the last couple of days, a little silliness is...
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Just to let you all know that twiggers is poorly, bless him and you know what that means girls, hes twice as bad as what any of us would have it!!!!   seriously tho hes been really sick tonight,...
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Have a great day....... The one and only..... Bernardo!!
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Hi all ! I'm back after a 2 week break and Chatterbank seems to have completely changed ! It's good to see some new faces, but i'm not too sure where all the regulars have disappeared to. Surely its...
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First in quality or value P?I?E Source of energy S?E?M
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Whatever happened to Texan Chocolate Bars? 
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Mine is a question.

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